Vol. 19 Oct 10, 2022


We have the Solutions for Your Cleaning Needs

1 Hardwood Floor Cleaning in Ojai

2 Sierge's Solution: A helpful tip in easing your cleaning tasks

3 Welcoming new members and a solution spotlight

Air Duct Cleaning in Ojai

Finally! After months of sporadic heat, the weather finally seems to be cooling down as we go further into the Fall months. We don’t know about you, but we here at Kelly Cleaning love the cool weather where we can finally wear all of our cold weather clothing, wrap ourselves in blankets, and turn on the heater to warm our homes. But what is that smell??? It’s a similar smell that you would find in a haunted house: Dank, musty, maybe a little funky? Well that smell is coming from your heater.



After months of not using your heater or having air pass through your vents, they might have accumulated dust, debris, or worse yet maybe a pest infestation.

We know that this may be a nightmarish scenario, but if you start to notice a smell emanating from your vents after you turn on your vents, you might want to get your ducts inspected. Kelly Cleaning is able to perform inspections and attend to your cleaning needs.

These images are from a recent furnace cleaning that our Kelly Technicians performed in Ojai. The customer was reporting an odd smell and decided to call Kelly to have his ducts cleaned.

We will let the pictures speak for themselves, but the smell was instantly evacuated. Our customer was very pleased not only with the results but also with our technician’s professionalism!

If you are interested in having your air ducts or your furnace cleaned, give us a call at (805) 644-5308 and we will be able to give you an estimate over the phone!
Photo Credit: Antonio Diaz

Sierge's Solutions

Dia Dhuit (JEE-uh Gwitch) = Hello

Dia Duit and may the road rise up to meet ya! Hello everybody and thank you for taking the time to read the Kelly Solutions. My name is Sierge, the Cleaning Concierge, and I have a nice little tad of advice I would like to share with my readers!

The helpful tips for this month are in regards to wood floor cleaning. These steps will be applicable to cleaning all different types of wood flooring at home whether you have natural wood, engineered, laminated, or even luxury vinyl. So let’s begin.

1. Always vacuum your floors before cleaning your floors.

a. This will prevent scratching or excessive wear on your floors.
2. Use a flat mop system with a microfiber pad.
a. Not only do string mops leave too much moisture on your wood floors but you’re also left with streaks. Not to mention it will give ye a bad dose of the back aches.
3. Use the appropriate product on your wood floors
a. On unwaxed or natural wood floors or laminate, use Kelly’s Shillelagh Hardwood & Laminate Floor cleaner.
i. Spray directly onto the floor and then mop your floors
b. If you have waxed wood floors or if you want to brighten your shiny wood floors use Shorn N Begorn, Kelly’s optical brightening solution.
i. Dilute the 3 oz of the solution with a gallon of water, dip your pad, wring out the excess, and mop your floors
4. Mop with an “S” motion and make sure that your long strokes are going with the grain to minimize streaking.
5. If there is excess moisture, then you can use a dry pad to soak up the remnants.

If you have floors that are in need of maintenance or restoration, give Kelly a call and we can schedule you for a service!

Wise Words from our President

Margo M. Kelly

Call me Aretha because I want to talk about getting a little respect when you come home or get to work. Have you ever been giving detailed instructions about a chore to a spouse, your child, a coworker, the dog and they are giving the uh-huh, glazed over eyes look? You know gosh darn well when you check to see if it has been done, you will see a very half-hearted attempt to do the job. Why wasn’t it done correctly? They didn’t understand your detailed instructions? Did they get sick in the middle and had to stop? Were they bitten by the dog, got sick and had to stop right away? 

Or, was it the worst thing of all? They didn’t respect your request.
That is not going to happen when you use any of our Kelly Services. Our Techs want to earn your 
♪r e s p e c t♪  by giving you the ♪respect♪ you want and need by rendering our services as you desire. Whether it is your carpets, windows, air ducts, floors, or bathrooms at your home or office your furnishings will be given great care and treated as if they are our own. You won’t be singing the Blues when we’re finished. So, give us a call at 805 644-5308 today and don’t delay your propers.


Slainte! (Slon-che) = Cheers!

The employee of the month for September and winner for the $50 cash prize goes to…. Zahira Isaac! Slainte to Zahira!

Zahira is an amazing worker. She is a jack of all trades and more than proficient in any task that we give her. Zahira is our Accounts Supervisor but she has also been filling out the company by also being a temporary Administrative Assistant as our regular Assistant is out on leave. 

She has done amazing things and has been able to keep up with the ludicrous speed, efficiency, and accuracy that are required for the role as Administrative Assistant and Account Supervisor.

Zahira has been working with Kelly Cleaning for just over a year now, but here are to many more years to come! Slainte Zahira!

Visit our Kelly Tech Center for all of your cleaning needs at 2300 Knoll Dr. STE B

Visit our Ultimate Rug Spa at 1445 Donlon St. STE 2

Visit our website:
Give us a call at (805) 644-5308

Kelly Tech Center
2300 Knoll Dr. Suite B
Ventura, CA 93003