Vol. 21 Dec 8, 2022
We have the Solutions for Your Cleaning Needs
Window Washing in Ventura County
As the months get colder, we find ourselves indoors where it is warm and cozy. Yet the grass is always greener on the other side. We look out our windows and long for the warmth of a spring breeze, but what is this? There are cobwebs blocking the view, and what the heck are those tiny specs that are all over the glass, and oh no, there is a big mess on the outside of the skylight left by a bird who seemingly had too many holiday cookies… Yuck… But èisteacht! (Gaelic for hark) Kelly Cleaning is here with the gift of clean windows and skylights.
Our Technicians have received specialized training to make sure that they make your view to the outside world as sparkling as possible. It’s not only the glass that is the most important part, but also the painstaking labor to clean the casing, sills, grilles, handles, locks, sashes, tracks, runners and every other part of the framing anatomy.
Also, just to add some cheer to Holiday spirit, Kelly Cleaning will be offering a $50 discount off of window cleaning services that equal or surpass $300! Just mention the Kelly Solutions newsletter to receive your discount.
Andres Working Hard!

Sierge's Solutions

Dia Duit and may the road rise up to meet ye! Good tidings lads and lasses. In this special edition of my solutions, I’m going to give ye some useful tips and tricks that can help in gift wrapping endeavors.
I will be giving them in short form just to make it as easy as possible for you to understand. If you have as much trouble as Kelly Cleaning’s Marketing Director in wrapping presents, you’re going to need as much help as you can get.
- Prepare a workspace
- Use the right tools for the job…
a. Scissor, double sided tape, regular tape
- Don’t buy the cheapest wrapping paper you can get your hands on.
a. Buy something medium grade with great graphics
- Carefully measure your wrapping paper twice before cutting
- Put the face of your present facing down on your paper
a. Presentation is key and we don’t want tape and paper seams going own the front of our gift
- Add flair with extra accessories
a. Bows, twine, natural goods (leaves, twigs, mistletoe, pine cones)
With these six tips, you should be able to create a gift that’s a cut above the rest. If you’re looking for cleaning tips or if you have a question of your own, then give us a call at (805) 644-5308 or email at KellyCleaning@KellyClean.net.

Sláinte (slawn-cha) = Cheers
The cleaner of the month for November and the winner of the $50 cash prize goes to… Monica Hurtado! Sláinte to Monica!
Monica has been working with Kelly Cleaning for only over a year and has proven herself time and again that she is able to make any place shine to perfection. Her and her team take pride in making sure they do the job right and we here at Kelly Cleaning can always depend on her!
Way to go Monica! Sláinte and keep up the good work!

Service Spotlight
For this month’s Service Spotlight, we would like to showcase a new service, Gutter Cleaning in Ventura County!
Although in our part of sunny California we might not make use of our gutters all that often, we want them to work when we do need them. Kelly Cleaning makes quick work of a usually long and tedious job due to our specialized gutter cleaning equipment.
With our gutter cleaning equipment and our expertise we can quickly and affordably clean any gutter, no matter the height or clogged a system might be. If you are interested in our gutter cleaning service, please give us a call at (805) 644-5308 or email KellyCleaning@KellyClean.net to schedule an appointment.

Visit our Kelly Tech Center for all of your cleaning needs at 2300 Knoll Dr. STE B
Visit our Ultimate Rug Spa at 1445 Donlon St. STE 2
Visit our website: www.KellyClean.net
Give us a call at (805) 644-5308
Kelly Tech Center
2300 Knoll Dr. Suite B
Ventura, CA 93003